Cookie Policy

When you visit our web site, it may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. You can find out more about cookies and how to control them in the information below. By using our web site you accept the use of cookies in accordance with this Cookie Policy. In particular, you accept the use of Third Party Cookies for the purposes described below. If you do not accept the use of these cookies please disable them following the instructions in this Cookie Policy, for instance by changing your browser settings so that cookies from this website cannot be placed on your computer or mobile device.

What is a Cookie

Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer or other Web-accessing devices by our websites. These cookies allow us to distinguish you from other users of our website, and to enhance our website and your experience when you browse our website. We also collect information about your use of the Site through cookies and similar technology. Cookies allow us to recognize you and maintain your preferences when you return to our Site. Cookie technology collects “clickstream” data, which does not include personally identifying information, but which reflects your activities on the Site and helps us to customize our Site experience and anticipate what may be of interest to our users, by monitoring traffic in popular areas and modifying the services and information to meet customer demand. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to the delete them, visit or

How to Control Cookies

If you don’t want to receive cookies, you can modify your browser so that it notifies you when cookies are sent to it or you can refuse cookies altogether. You can also delete cookies that have already been set. If you wish to restrict or block web browser cookies which are set on your device then you can do this through your browser settings; the Help function within your browser should tell you how. Alternatively, you may wish to visit (link is external), which contains comprehensive information on how to do this on a wide variety of desktop browsers.